Campus Living

Students walking on campus

Living on campus provides endless opportunities intended to foster personal development and independence, to explore or find your passion, and to establish lifelong friendships. 

Fall Campus with Students

Living where you learn is one of the most incredible parts of your experience at Eagle Hill School. Not only do your best friends live right next door, but there is also always an abundance of activities to enjoy and create.

Whether you are working on your robot for the upcoming competition, running that final tech rehearsal for the spring play, or getting in one last practice before the state competition, your room is never far away at the end of a busy day.

“At Eagle Hill, I learned to manage my time, my work, and my classes. I learned the value of a community and how there are always people willing to help you.”

Jackson M., Class of 2018

Your Home Away from Home

Eagle Hill School employs ten professional, full-time dorm parents who serve as each student’s point person in the after-school hours. Our dorm parents are always willing to lend a listening ear, help students complete their homework, or even plan a stress-busting pizza party after a busy week.

All of our dorm parents are certified life coaches, so they truly understand how to help students navigate the sometimes complicated world of high school. Many have families of their own, and they are an integral part of campus life at Eagle Hill.

Dorm Life

Harmsworth Hall

Harmsworth Hall

Harmsworth Hall is our largest dorm and houses three distinct floors for boarders, separated by gender and age. These three floors operate as distinct housing groups and each has its own dorm counselors.

Harmsworth boasts all single rooms, which are organized in pods—three rooms together that share a bathroom with another pod. This unique housing arrangement provides the opportunity for rooming near friends while maintaining a private room.

Harmsworth Hall is home to the vast majority of junior and senior students and many describe it as more of an apartment feel.

Dorm Parent Spotlight: Ken Leyva

Ken Leyva

“My favorite place on campus is Harmsworth. It‘s our home away from home. It’s a safe community filled with respect, acceptance, and inclusion. We actively foster strong lifelong bonds, forged by working and learning together, that go beyond our walls.”


Dorm Parent Spotlight: Cheryl Ann Skrocki

Gina Urbano

“When you're a dorm parent in Harmsworth Hall, you'll never experience a dull moment! Working with the students each day is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re going to get, but in the end, it’s always so fulfilling. Being able to interact with them and be a part of their growth and development has been a great experience!” 

Prescott Hall

Prescott Hall

Prescott Hall is home to our youngest female students. A combination of singles and doubles, Prescott is a wonderful place to begin your boarding experience. From dance parties to spa nights, there is always something fun going on in Prescott.

In addition, Prescott is served by four prefects who act as mentors to the students living there.

Dorm Parent Spotlight: Megan Alwis

Megan Alwis

“Prescott Hall is a place of comfort where vibrant conversations unfold and deep bonds are formed. When my residents enthusiastically return from the school day ready to unwind and catch up with their peers, I am reminded of why I love working in Prescott. It truly feels like home.”

Enfield Hall

Enfield Hall

Our smallest and newest dorm, Enfield Hall holds eighteen boarding students who live together in large double rooms. Its small size lends itself nicely to a homey feel and the boys who live here form close bonds and enjoy frequent social activities.

Mario Kart tournaments and evening hot chocolate are just a couple of the most beloved events in Enfield.

Dorm Parent Spotlight: David Haynes

David Haynes

“In Enfield our motto is . . . clear minds, open hearts, friendly words, good deeds.

The focus is on how each member impacts his own educational experience and the environment of others in the dorm. It is my belief that each student has a unique way of thinking, an evolving level of comfort in taking healthy new risks, an individualized approach to befriending others, and an innate desire to do good, which can manifest in making decisions that have lasting positive outcomes for both the individual and our campus community.”

Dana Hall

Dana Hall

Perhaps most closely resembling an actual family home, Dana Hall always has a family feel. Home to 8, 9, and some 10th-grade boys, the doubles in Dana allow students a chance to develop close friendships and learn the fundamental skills of cooperation as they live together.

Pizza nights and movie nights often fill the space, along with laughter and lively discussion.

Dorm Parent Spotlight: Eric Bissonnette

Eric Bissonnette headshot


Resident Curriculum

Student Life Curriculum

At Eagle Hill, teaching and learning far surpass the four walls of the classroom. In fact, we believe some of the most important lessons taught on our campus are in the dorms—talking about ideas and listening to others’ different perspectives.

Each week, students meet in small groups with their peers to discuss topics particularly relevant to their age and development.

Topics include:

  • Time management and organization
    • What order will I do my homework?
    • How do I work in effective breaks?
  • Healthy relationships
    • How do I manage boundary settings with my peer group?
  • College preparation
  • How exactly do I do laundry?

Weekly Student Life Curriculum groups provide an opportunity for students to connect with fellow students and faculty on a closer level. In many circumstances, students enjoy this time away from the books to talk about in a small group setting what’s on their mind.

Student in study hall

Gradual Release in Student Life

Learning independence is the true work of adolescence. Just as our students come from vastly different educational backgrounds and experiences, so do they arrive with differing independent living skills.

Our student life model focuses on the gradual release concept. This provides students with more support initially as they learn to live independently and then gradually allows each student to do more on his or her own with less help and support from adults.

For instance, study hall for our youngest students takes place in the dorms, where there are several teachers on hand to help with questions and to make sure all assignments are done to completion.

As each student learns routines and strategies that enable them to complete homework more independently, they are able to earn different privilege levels that correspond to less support, more independence, and greater autonomy.

Then as students progress, they transition to studying independently either in their dorm room or at the PJM STEM Center. Eventually, some students may no longer need to check into study hall altogether.