Course Planning

Dr Riendeau and students

Class Day

Student on computer

At Eagle Hill, a distinguished faculty offers a wide range of courses in our college preparatory program of studies. Students are challenged with demanding coursework in the traditional disciplines, as well as a diverse offering of elective courses, and are provided with the opportunity to pursue their interests and passions in the creative and performing arts. Most importantly, each student’s specific academic needs are given careful consideration as a program of study is developed under the guidance of the student’s academic advisor.

“I learned to view my learning difference as an asset.”
Alessandro A.
Class of 2012

Nine-Term Schedule

One of the most important and innovative ways in which Eagle Hill School manages to act on the specific needs of each student is our curriculum design.

Instead of trying to force each student's schedule into a rigid calendar of semesters and quarters, Eagle Hill School’s calendar is a flexible matrix of six daily class meeting times over nine academic terms. Individual class sections can meet in a nearly unlimited range of configurations, allowing students to pursue their academic preparation in ways that make sense for their subject and their individual needs.

Students are placed in very small sections, averaging five students apiece, based on consideration of multiple data points such as student interest, achievement, social development, and learning preferences.

An overview of our nine-term schedule and details about this unique approach can be seen in the video below.

2024-2025 Academic Year 


Monthly Calendar

Graduation Requirements

Successful completion of 200 credits is required for graduation. Learn more about Eagle Hill’s traditional college preparatory curriculum and individualized programs of study. 

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New and Notable

Each year, new and notable courses are offered to students. The course choices for the academic year 2023-2024 include a variety of exciting and diverse topics in arts, literature, science, writing, and more!


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Course Catalog & Curriculum Guide

We invite you to explore the wide range of courses frequently offered by each of the academic departments. Each year new and varied courses of study are offered.


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