School News

Mock trial team 2025
Eagle Hill School

Mock Trial Team Presents Their Case

Defending in Parker v. Roy, Eagle Hill earns praise for preparation, poise, and sharp legal acumen.

On Wednesday, January 15, the Eagle Hill mock trial team competed with the team from Minnechaug Regional High School. The two teams faced off at the U.S. District Court in Springfield as Minnechaug represented the plaintiff and Eagle Hill the defendant in this year’s mock trial case, Parker v. Roy. In the case, the plaintiff, Alex Parker, seeks damages for injuries alleged to be the result of minors having been negligently provided alcohol at a high school graduation party.

In the case, the plaintiff, Alex Parker, seeks damages for injuries alleged to be the result of minors having been negligently provided alcohol at a high school graduation party.

Led by veteran mock trial captain Emma B., nine Eagle Hillers presented the defense case, delivering strong performances as both attorneys and witnesses. Leo S. opened with a tight argument presented clearly and confidently. Leo followed up with an incisive cross-examination of a plaintiff’s witness—as did Andres V. and Alex M. in turn.

Elias S., Emma B., and Andrew B. each delivered carefully prepared and nimble direct examinations of their defense witnesses, performed admirably by Max. H., Izzy T., and Katherine. O. Finally, Andrew B. offered the defense closing, expertly weaving together the testimony of six witnesses with a solid presentation of the elements of the law.

In his commentary, the judge praised all nine of the Eagle Hillers on their obvious preparation and their pluck in presenting their roles extemporaneously and with only minimal notes—an indicator of their deep understanding of the legal principles, courtroom procedures, and fact pattern in the case.


Mock Trial team photo

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